Up until I was 19 years old, I only spoke Spanish and had never been to an English-speaking country. For a long time, I believed I would never be able to learn English, as starting to study a new language as an adult was incredibly challenging. This is one of the reasons I am committed to raising my children bilingual; it’s also why I’m passionate about sharing the importance of bilingualism and the strategies I’ve learned to support language acquisition.
Many parents face the challenge of being monolingual, which can make it difficult to support their children’s language acquisition, especially if they are not fluent in the second language their kids are learning. However, there are tools and strategies that can help any parent support their child’s bilingual journey.
We now know that children can learn languages in two ways: simultaneously or sequentially. Sequential bilingualism occurs when a person becomes bilingual by first learning one language and then another. This often happens in homes where only one of the desired languages is spoken; the child first acquires the mother tongue and then continues to learn the second language outside of the home.
As the name suggests, simultaneous bilingualism happens when a child learns two languages from birth, allowing them to learn both languages as first languages. For bilingualism to be considered simultaneous, the child must learn both languages before the age of three.
That being said, it’s entirely possible to raise your child bilingual even if the second language is not spoken at home. The earlier the child is exposed to the second language, the better, as the learning process becomes more natural and easier.
To successfully raise bilingual children, you need determination, consistency, and active involvement in the process. Engaging in activities and using tools that complement the formal instruction your child receives is key. Even for those of us who can provide simultaneous bilingualism, it’s essential to find effective ways to support language acquisition.
My journey started six years ago, and now with three kids, I’ve found that it gets harder as they grow and embrace English more and more. That’s why I continue to use the tools at my disposal to keep the Spanish language alive in our daily lives, and I’m sure you want to do the same for your children.
Here are five tried-and-true ways to support language acquisition

1. Buy Bilingual Books
As parents, we all know that reading daily with our kids is crucial for their development and for nurturing a love for reading and writing. When raising a bilingual child, having bilingual books is one of the best ways to support language acquisition at home. No matter your child’s reading level, you can use a bilingual book to read in tandem. While you read in English, your child can read in Spanish or start to familiarize themselves with the words as they continue to learn. That’s one of the reasons I wrote my bilingual children’s book, La Familia Cool: El tesoro más valioso / The Most Valuable Treasure, because I’ve seen firsthand how helpful it is to use literature to help kids learn a second language. Even if you’re not fluent in the second language, reading a bilingual book with your children shows that you support their efforts and encourages them to continue.
2. Incorporate Music and Media
Another fun way to practice the second language is through music that your child can dance and sing to. In Spanish, there are hundreds of children’s songs available, along with YouTube videos that play traditional tunes and help with listening and comprehension. Additionally, there are many apps available for free or at a low cost that can help your child learn through play, listening, and repetition. When your kids are old enough to watch shows, ensure they do so in the minority language. I’ve done this with my children, and although they resisted initially, after less than two weeks, they were used to watching Spanish-language cartoons and enjoyed the shows. Many shows available in English are also available in Spanish.
3. Organize Language Playdates
Kids love having things in common with their peers, and organizing playdates with children who are fluent in the second language your child is learning is a great way to support language acquisition in an inviting, natural setting. With the rapid growth of the Latino population in the U.S., it’s easy to find groups that already meet for this purpose, or you might have friends who speak Spanish. If not, you can start with your child’s classmates who are taking Spanish lessons.
Keep in mind that children growing up in the U.S. will likely choose to speak English with their peers. For these playdates, you need to find ways to motivate the kids to speak the desired language. This could be through fun activities, prizes, music, or giving prompts to encourage them to use the minority language.
4. Travel or Seek Local Opportunities
Travel is an excellent way to immerse your child in a language and reinforce what they’ve learned in a practical, fun way. However, not everyone has the means to travel frequently. Another option is to explore local opportunities, such as volunteering at Latino organizations or attending events where the language is spoken. This exposure will help your child practice the language and interact with native speakers.
5. Let Them Teach You
Experts agree that teaching is a powerful way to reinforce learning. Encourage your child to show off what they’ve learned by giving you lessons, teaching you new words, songs, or even writing exercises. When you ask your child to teach you, they not only practice the language but also build confidence and self-esteem. When children feel capable, they associate that feeling with the task at hand in a positive way. Let them be the teacher and watch them grow in knowledge and confidence!
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