It has been five weeks since I attended the #WeWontWait2016 Summit in Washington, D.C., yet the experience remains fresh in my mind despite everything that has happened since. I keep reflecting on the diverse group of women who came together—representing a wide range of backgrounds, colors, and ethnicities. I find myself especially thinking about the women who stand at the intersection of family and social justice, united in their determination to demand a better society and envision a stronger, more equitable nation.

When I think about the summit, I can’t help but feel deeply grateful to the women at Moms Rising who invited me to attend such an important event. The memories make me smile, despite the challenges we all face as women navigating inequality, unfair wages, and countless other issues that inevitably touch our lives. What stands out is how we chose to build bridges and focus on our shared experiences.
I’ve been reflecting on the many intersections where women’s lives converge and how we serve as the threads that hold society together. We are the mothers, the wives, the sisters, the caregivers, and the friends. Everywhere we look, we see injustice, violence, and unmet basic needs—whether we endure them ourselves or witness loved ones struggling through them.

At the We Won’t Wait Summit, I met women with diverse and powerful stories—women standing at the intersection of race and labor issues, women navigating the tension between the status quo and the potential to create a better reality for all of us. I was heartened to see a truly multicultural group of women, representing the rich diversity of the United States, coming together to ignite change, challenge systemic inequities, and envision a nation that is not only inclusive and fair but also peaceful for everyone.
Reflecting on this brought to mind something journalist Courtney Martin said in her TED Talk, The New American Dream: “Artist Anne Hamilton had said: ‘Labor is a way of knowing, labor is a way of knowing.’ In other words, what we work on is what we understand about the world. If this is true—and I believe it is—then women, who have disproportionately cared for the little ones, the sick ones, and the aging ones, have also disproportionately benefited from the most profound kind of knowing there is: knowing the human condition.”
I absolutely loved this and wholeheartedly agree that, as women, we have benefited from the deepest and most profound knowing there is. It is through this intimate understanding of the human condition that we are uniquely capable of not only envisioning but also creating a world that is more just, compassionate, and inclusive—a world where everyone has a voice and access to the opportunities they need. As women standing at the intersection of what is and what could be, and with our profound understanding of our shared humanity, I truly believe we have the power to build the nation we all deserve.
We Are Women At The Intersection
[at the many intersections] Of Our Lives
No matter which issues matter most to you, as a woman—regardless of your race, socioeconomic status, or level of education—you will inevitably find yourself connecting with other women at some intersection. That’s why the mission of the #WeWontWait2016 Summit centers on the multifaceted realities of women’s lives. None of us live single-issue lives; we are not just women at the intersection of poverty and violence, or race and social justice, or family and reproductive rights. We all navigate multiple intersections, and we need an approach that embraces the complexity of our experiences, allowing each of us to lead whole lives where our families can truly thrive.

We want…
Equal pay for equal work. Simple as that.
Elections where women not only vote but are also represented on the ballots and in positions of power.
Access to quality, affordable healthcare—not as a privilege for a few, but as a fundamental right for all.
Immigration policies that support the full integration of immigrants, with a focus on empowering and including women.
Comprehensive criminal justice reform that regulates gun acquisition, bans assault weapons, and enforces universal background checks for all gun purchases.
A system that reduces incarceration rates by investing in training, employment, and resources to facilitate reentry for those who have served their time.
Affordable, sustainable elder care that prioritizes quality and ensures dignity for both those receiving and providing care.
Increased support for safe, quality, and affordable childcare. No parent should have to choose between working to provide for their child and ensuring their child is safe, nurtured, and educated.
Twelve weeks of guaranteed, paid family and medical leave so all parents can care for a new child, tend to a seriously ill family member, or recover from their own illness without sacrificing financial stability.
Access to abortion and reproductive healthcare as an essential part of equality, particularly for women of color.
Paid sick days as a matter of economic security. No parent should have to choose between their paycheck and caring for a sick child.
Here is a video capturing a summary of our experience at the summit. With just a glimpse, you can see how truly multicultural and diverse this group of over a thousand women from across the United States was. Watching it again and again warms my heart, reminding me of the unwavering commitment of American women to drive the change we so desperately need. It fills me with hope for our future.
Click this link to watch the video here.
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