Multiculturalism has been a passion of mine ever since I moved to the United States. However, after having children, this passion grew even stronger as I realized that raising my kids with an understanding of diverse cultures would enable them to interact and thrive in a multicultural society. This realization is why I am committed to raising cultural awareness and advocating for multicultural living as a way to promote the necessary changes in our society.
When I decided to focus on this mission, it quickly became clear that I had to extend my efforts beyond the confines of my home. I needed to share what I know about American Latinos and the importance of multicultural living. With this in mind, I adopted the motto: Raising cultural awareness to promote social change. This tagline not only reflects my deep belief that understanding culture drives change but also serves as a constant reminder of my mission.
Every day, we witness the polarization within American society—a result of rejecting multicultural perspectives and clinging to the belief that our way is superior. When we deny others respect simply because we think we are “right,” we fail to embrace our shared humanity. It’s crucial to ask ourselves how we can unite rather than become more divided.
Why I’m Raising Cultural Awareness

You might be thinking about the many challenges American society faces today and wonder if culture is a priority in the grand scheme of things. However, I firmly believe that as our multicultural population continues to grow, our society cannot move forward without understanding and respecting all cultural backgrounds and ethnicities.
Without cultural awareness, we are left with confusion, resentment, biases, and prejudice. These barriers prevent us from connecting with others, leading to increased division, conflict, and an inability to create, innovate, progress, and live peacefully.
As Americans, we are fortunate to live in a melting pot—a nation where the cultures of the world are within our borders. Yet, historically, we have continued to fear and reject different perspectives, defining what it means to be American within a narrow, unilateral view that is no longer sustainable.
Raising cultural awareness and shaping the next generation of Americans to be global citizens will foster more conversations and reduce bullying. It is the only way we can move past our differences and address issues that affect us all as citizens of this country.
A good example of the failure to understand cultural relevance is evident in the current electoral campaign. We see candidates attempting to appeal to Latinos with Latin music, food, and a few mumbled words in Spanish. Yet, as a Latina mom—like many other American moms—my primary concerns are education and the economy, as these are key to securing my children’s future.
Raising cultural awareness is not just my choice and mission; it is my duty. I see it as a peaceful and coherent way to understand our differences and to add value through diverse perspectives as we face the challenges that confront us all as Americans.

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